In some of my free time, I do enjoy searching the web! I usually spend about one full hour on my phone periodically throughout the day. A website I spend my time on would definitely be Forever21, a girl loves to shop. I like this website for multiple reasons; the setup of this website is very easy to understand with different tabs to direct you to where you want to find a specific item. Forever21's website shows pictures of the clothes on models so the shopper can tell how it looks. Another website I do enjoy going through is Pinterest. This website is my all time favorite! When creating an account, they ask you to "like" certain photos that you like, to find your interests. While searching through your "board", you will find photos of things you are interested in. Mine mainly shows cute pictures of animals, clothes, positive quotes, and cooking recipes! When I look through Pinterest, it gives me a sense of happiness because it is all things that I enjoy. I can easily spend an hour on this website/app! A third website I use would have to be Instagram. I use this website to check in with friends that are long distance due to going off to college. I have many friends from home but we have all been separated and created a different life for ourselves in the new chapter of our lives. This website allows me to see what they are up to and also share with them what I have been doing recently. All three of these websites allow me to explore the things I enjoy!